You let me fall behind again, how dare you! I'm just kidding it is mostly my fault I couldn't think of anything to write. I am in quite a bad block, and not just a writing block, I am just uninspired. I think I need to go somewhere and do something to get the juices flowing again. Here is a small life update just because I have been lazy:
found on Google |
First, I got a job! I am now working at Jo-Ann craft and fabric! which so far I love it, I am only on the floor about once a week other then that I am on the stocking crew, which means I my little 5' 3" self unload the trucks every Monday morning at six am then try to get all of the things from the truck on to the floor within 48 hours of unloading. I know that sounds like a lot of work, which it is, but it is also tons of fun! I enjoy it a lot more then you would think, even though I have been made fun of a few times for being short.

in other news it is quite difficult to type this blog right now, because one day while I was working at the fabric cutting counter as a closer I apparently hurt my wrist. it felt fine while I was working and after work I went home and crawled into bed, when I woke up in the morning my wrist was slightly swollen and it hurt to move it. Izzie put ice on it and wrapped it in an ace bandage until we could get me a hard brace which is what I am wearing now. it still hurts a bit, but is doing better everyday.
my wrist in a brace |
my wrist again!
and to wrap this up I made Izzie and I some new pillow cases! check them out!
Izzie's pillow case! |
my AWESOME SPACE pillowcase! |
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