Supervisor to Truck Driver?

As many of you have noticed Idid take a hiatis from this blog and have decied to start wrting and posting again as much as possible, but first there are a couple of things that have changed and these changes will be effecting what is written here.
First off lets start with my job or career if you would at the time I stopped writing this blog I was working in what many of you would call a dead end call center job. At this call center after being there for about three years and clawing my way up the latter I had finally reached my goal of becoming supervisor.
Once I recived the title I worked so hard for that is when things started falling apart, my manager that I had been working with for over a year decided to quit and find work elsewhere. As crushed as I was it was quickly followed by an inner rage by the person I found out was replacing her was a supervisor that had been there just as long as me and was quite a bit younger.
Being the proffisonal I thought I was trying to be at the time I hid the flames of rage deep inside and tried to see the bright side. But she quickly ruined that by showing me that going forward I would always be the scape goat and never meet her expectations.

Image off Google

To sum it up after a few months of working withthe new manager, and being brought down in every situation I would go to work and just due my time the thought even came to mind a few times to jump out the ground floor window just to spice things up, if that gives you a look into my mind at the time. by this time I decided it would be best if I found something new. 
Lucky for me a good friend of mine called me and said " hey I am driving trucks now I think you would like it come drive trucks with me" after thinking about it for a good month or so I decided why not I enrolled myself in CDL driving school and put in my two weeks at the call center leaving one nasty note about the manager with higher management.

Google Image

The driving school I decided to attend was a four week program from Roadmaster driving school. It went something like this:
Week one: Classroom lots of computer based training and paperwork.
Week two: Got my permit by passing the state test, got to drive a real truck for the first time, with an instructor. It was awesome suprisingly not scary at all.
Week three: basic practice driving on the road and backing, while standing in the blistering hot waiting for your turn in the truck (my fault deciding to sign up in the middle of the summer) 
Week Four: build up to taking the test. For the CDL. 
After the four weeks of dragging ass and coming home with diffrent degrees of sunburns everyday I did it! I now had a CDL.
After taking a couple of weeks off to recover from driving school I was going to start driving for a proffisonal company.


  1. That's a very interesting career switch! I'd like to know how trucking is working out for you. Do you enjoy the lifestyle? Are you an OTR driver? What is the hardest part of being a truck driver? I'm interested in making the switch myself.


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