The story of my green hair

As some of you may have noticed in my last post, Yes my hair is green. everyone who has sees my hair asks me how I got it this color. so I thought I would answer all your questions. it was a complete accident!
So I bought some hair dye, this one to be exact:
Image found on Google.
But seeing as my hair was black, we needed to bleach it before I could dye it blue, so we bleached it. Apparently the bleach that came with this hair dye was not quite strong enough to cover black, after washing the it I ended up with this yellowy blonde color. so then we put the blue dye on and let it sit for a while before washing it out (making the bath tub look like a smurf murder scene) once my hair dried we realized that the yellow mixed with the blue to end up with green. I'm okay with it though I figure I can rock green hair until it needs to be dyed again. and I have also got a some complements on it (along with bragging rights for the fact that my hair has officially been every color except for pink)


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