A Week In The Zones

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                Sorry for my week long absence everyone, I know you have anxiously been awaiting my return. But I was off on my spring break! And to make up the lack of posts, this one is going to rather long and detailed and filled with all sorts of stuff about what I did while I was MIA.
                 3-12-12 Day 1
                Izzie and I drove up to Planet Vernal, which is situated in a desert 200 miles away in the middle of nowhere.  We expected to get there, go to Izzie’s parents house, sit down talk and have a nice dinner, but it didn’t really work out that way. I was called at least four times before getting into town by various friends who told us to meet them at Smith’s, so that’s where we went. We met up with Quincy and Roach, and said hello to Badger before she scurried off to work. Then we finally headed up to Izzie’s parents house with Quincy following close behind in his car. We said hello to Izzie’s parents before heading back to Smiths in Quin’s car to buy food for a BBQ. We gathered up some hotdogs and buns then ran over to Quin’s house where we lit a fire in his fire pit and started cooking said hotdogs, bacon, and hamburgers. After a bit, Brea came over with her boyfriend. We ate dinner then we decided to head back to Izzie’s. Quin and I drove around a little bit longer, waiting for Badger to get off work. At about eleven, we all decided to go up the canyon and do some ghost hunting. We settled on Dry Fork Cemetery and a scary campsite a bit farther up the canyon, and even caught a few decent things.  As the wee hours of the morning crept up, we all decided we were hungry and went to McDonalds, where Badger had a bit of a spat with the drive-thru minion over a few missing ranch packets. After that we finally went home and tried to go to bed, but we ended up throwing a spontaneous 3AM Scentsy party. Finally at about 5AM, we got everyone out of the house and crashed out.
Image found on Google
                3-13-12 Day 2
                We woke up at around noon, then texted Quincy, who replied with “be there soon”.  In about five minutes Quincy walked in with Travis trailing not far behind. Apparently Quin didn’t want to drive him home the night before.  We decided that food sounded good, so we went to JB’s where we met up with Badger and got some lunch. It was super delicious and we also had the coolest waitress ever. We hung out for the rest of the day driving around and goofing off, and rocking out to some good music. Later that night, Badger decided she wanted to find a cave that was nestled in the wall of Dry Fork canyon somewhere and dragged us along. After an hour and a half full of nearly hitting 4 different herds of deer, 3 bunnies, and a few unfortunate sagebrush plants, we gave up and headed home. The cave’s whereabouts is still shrouded in mystery.  We finally got home at around 4AM.
                3-14-12 Day 3
                We woke up at around noon again, and this time we went to lunch with Izzie’s mom, Lee, at JB’s again (there aren’t a lot of places to eat in Vernal that won’t give you some sort of food poisoning).  After that we met up with Badger and drove around with her again until Quin was free, then we picked him up and decided to go look for the cave while it was still light outside.  Still haven’t found the stupid thing, but it was a fun drive nonetheless.  That night we decided go do EVP’s again. This time we went to a cemetery we had never done one at before in an even smaller town called Jensen.   We did an EVP on one side of the cemetery and Izzie heard the sound of someone crying on the side of the car, after that we went to the other side of the cemetery. We recorded for a minute, then we saw what looked like truck lights driving down a road, but we know for a fact there is no road on the other side of the cemetery, then in a split second it looked like the truck was not only in the cemetery, but getting close to where we were parked.  As we sat there I heard what sounded like gravel crunching next to the car, and Quin decided to get out of there.  As he was turning the car around Izzie saw what looked like dirty jeans running across the road then toward the truck lights. We turned around and got out of there as fast as we could.  Then we went back to Izzie’s and hung out for a while, and at about 3am we went to bed.
Steinaker Reservoir, it was still partly frozen, so Quincy and I threw rocks on it, and they stayed. 
                3-15-12 Day 4
                This was probably the most normal day out of the week. We woke up at ten, got dragged to Taco Bell by Quin to try the new Doritos Locos Taco (which was freaking amazing by the way). After that we just kind of sat around the house relaxing until about 7, then we went to Winger’s with Brea and her boyfriend. It was ok. Buffalo Wild Wings is far superior, especially since Winger’s screwed up my order. After that we kidnapped Quin again for a few hours and watched old school 90’s Nicktoons until about 3, then went to bed.  
                3-16-12 Day 5
                Originally we had planned to get up and head for home before 10 AM. Just as we were packing we got a call from Drew who decided he needed to see us right then. So we waited, and waited…and waited for him to get back from wherever he was. We hung out with Lee for a while, then just as we were about to give up and leave he showed up with his new girlfriend. We finally got out of Izzie’s house around 2:30, and decided to go say bye to Quin at Taco Bell, and pick up some lunch stuff (more Doritos Locos Tacos!). We ended up meeting Quin in the parking lot and followed him back to his house where he finished a CD for Izzie, and after a heartfelt and rather sad goodbye, we finally got out on the road at almost 5PM.
Broom we stood up in Quincy's kitchen!
                And that about wraps up my spring break adventures.  I found out how much I missed my desert, and my friends Izzie and I have lovingly call our Killjoys, but the real world called us back, and now I can go to school on Monday.


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